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Arabian Treasures - Art Exhibition to Celebrate Arabic Culture and Heritage

Updated: Nov 4, 2022

Art Exhibition Review

‘the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively” 

The thing about culture is the influence and sensitivity it brings in our lives, defining our way of living. And what better way to express different heritage and legacy than to manifest in the form of Art. Arabian Treasure Exhibition was a celebration of different Middle-East Cultures hosted at Picasso Art Gallery curated by Jesno Jackson.

The Three-Tea Ceremony by Labiba Ferhat is a 60 x 90 cm Oil painting on canvas honors the custom followed as a sign of Hospitality and Generosity in its sincerest form.

The Artist has presented the sitter in a relaxed posture as though, we as viewers and the portray are in midst of a conversation while sharing the beautiful view of dunes of Sahara Desert. The man in the painting hails from Tuareg ethnic group notable from the blue robes and tegelmust, ready to begin with the first cup of tea. The three-tea is prepared using 2 teapots and the same tea leaves with different blends after every cup – Bitter, Sweet and Balance. It is believed the flavors represent the Death, Love and Life.

No Representation of the Life in Arabia in incomplete without the Souks and Bazaar – Utensils, Jewels and Spices.

A trip to the bazaar and the overwhelming experience is beautifully showcased as the part of the collection by Natalia Vityugova. Arabian Treasures, a 60 x 80 oil painting on canvas is a work of art captivated this writer since its display as a single piece in one of the previous exhibitions by the curator. Using impressionism technique, the artist as managed to keep the viewer gravitate & travel from the vibrant pile of items on the wobbly shelf in the center, to around the painting with each stroke, leading to change in patterns and shades of color, tricking your eyes to perceive different tones as you move from the centerpiece to the sides.

The 2nd piece in the collection, Lights and Shadows on 60 x 80 oil painting on canvas is an art true to its name.

Unlike the above painting, this work has more calming effect. Every conner of this work is filled with overwhelming details and elements yet you are more focused in continuing the course of the path, preparing to explore the next lane from the end of the curve. The painting outlines the most beautiful time of the day. The quite hour with no busy noise or interruption. You are surrounded by the afternoon gleam, soothing call for payers and charming pieces reflecting the light and life. This is the Bazaar of the Arabia.

Weaving colors of life by Maria Komal Abie is a mix media art on a 100 x 70 canvas. The painting represents the present, braced by the past and the role of cultural influence in shaping the future. Weaving is one of the most treasured traditions in the UAE which the artist has wisely incorporated in her artwork. The treads are representation of a pathway this beloved city continues to cross bringing the vision from the ground up while incorporating the heritage of the land.

Falconer Digital Art by Merly Mathews on 50 x 50 frame renders the mastery and relation between the Falconer and its predator developed with years of training and expertise. The Falconer is shown seated on ground in reverie while the Falcon on his arm is in an attentive state waiting for a command from his master while another falcon is shown in a relaxed manner with a hood over its head. Falconry is an important part of Emirati Culture. The legacy of hunting is kept alive as a sport in present times.

From the overall collection, this writer found the above works provided different lens to the Arabian Culture than what we are used to see - Dunes, camels and dance. Along with these, other notable works were, Unity by Shakiba Rabiei, Solitude by Merly Mathews, Morrocco Street in summer nights by Alia Amin Abdulhaq. These works acted like a funnel, narrowing down from vast doses of cultures celebrating the way of living.

Congratulations to all the participating artist, Art4you Gallery and Picasso Art gallery for such fine exhibition showcased from 10th July till 17th July 2022.


This article is solely based on writer’s opinion.

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